Tuesday, March 29, 2011

garden lovelies

Yes, there is the word "grow" in my blog title.  I'm not talking about growing around the middle either.  I don't really have a lot of space to grow much.  In fact, most of my gardening is done in pots.  Why?  Well, there's the pool that just about takes up the entire backyard.  There's also Bella, the dog.  You'll learn lots about Bella...be patient.  To sum it up, lack of space + digging dog = pots.

Right now my garden of pots is full of blooming tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and herbs.  By summer, there will be some good eatin' going on.  Here are a few pics I took this morning.  No, I don't eat Louisiana Irises.  They were too pretty not to include.

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