Tuesday, March 29, 2011

just call me herb

This was my breakfast.  Jealous?  Don't be.  This is a healthy and easy recipe that you can make fresh every morning.  Better yet, double the batch to save for another busy morning in your week.  Let's get the recipe out of the way so I can do a proper introduction.  Shall we?

Eggs and Zucchini

1/4 cup onions
1/2 of a zucchini
2 eggs
chopped basil
s&p to taste

heat up a skillet and throw a little olive oil in.  swirl it around.  saute your onions until light brown. throw in the zucchini. cook for a couple more minutes.  dump the veggies out in a plate.  cook the eggs in the same skillet to your liking (scrambled, sunny side up, etc).  place the eggs over the veggies.  sprinkle with fresh basil. 

OK, enough about my breakfast.  I am starting this little blog to pass some time while I wait for a teaching position to open up in the fall.  I live in south Louisiana, where I love to garden, cook, and eat.  I have a partner/husband and two young boys.  We try to eat fresh, local, and healthy every day. 

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